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Care-Giving, Brain Injury and Social Support

Writer: Life Beyond RehabLife Beyond Rehab

We have seen so many wonderful posts and resources indicating the importance of socialization for TBI survivors and today I wanted to include how important this is for caregivers. Research has shown that social support can improve:

- Caregiver stress

- Family cohesion

- Caregiver burden

- Self-perceived caregiver mastery

- Overall well-being

Now, while the importance of social interaction and relationships is indisputable, it doesn’t make it any easier to find a way to fit it into your life. So many caregivers that I have worked with will tell me all the reasons why making time for themselves isn’t possible, but I feel like the most common reason is:

“I would feel guilty”

Let me ask you...

How guilty do you feel as a caregiver when you lose your cool with your loved one?

Especially for those managing constant supervision and/or assisting with all ADL’s, the need to keep your own sanity is paramount. The truth is, taking care for yourself allows you to take care of others. Listen, the role you have taken on was, most likely, not planned. Much like your loved one didn’t plan on sustaining a catastrophic brain injury, you didn’t plan on being a full-time caregiver. Now that it’s here, it’s important to find a way to maintain an identify outside of this new role you’ve been given.

How do we do it? I recommend starting small.

  1. Schedule a video chat – every Monday find a friend, loved one, support group member that you can schedule a meeting with for later in the week. If you can determine a consistent time, even better, but life can throw some curve balls, so be ready to be flexible to accommodate your schedule as well as theirs. I feel like an important component of this strategy is VIDEO. Voice calls are great, but having an extra “in-person” feel when you can’t actually be in the same place can add an extra level of support that can be rejuvenating.

  2. Find a quiet moment to do an activity JUST FOR YOU – It can be coloring, watching a movie, sitting outside and listening to music – whatever it is, make it feel special – pour your favorite drink, put on comfy clothes, make a yummy snack, anything that brings you joy and allows for time, no matter how brief, that is just for you.

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